Happy Days! A guide to happiness
In our day and age, it is very difficult to find happiness. Whether you find happiness in big or small things, this guide to happiness is for you.
The Forgotten Genocide of the Ottoman Empire
A look at the largely untold - and sometimes denied - story of the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire between 1914 and 1923.
The guide to raising mini world changers
It is said that a personality is shaped during the years (0-3), therefore, this it may be time you read our guide to raising mini-world changers
How the British heartlessly murdered one million Indians
The bad history they don't teach you at school.
A forgotten hero - Noor Inayat Khan, the Indian princess who fought the Nazis
Noor Inayat Khan, the Sufi princess that showed us how to be brave