"I believe that if you want something hard enough and work for it, you can achieve anything. " Brazilian artist Nonô tells us all about her life as a new musician on the London block.
Friday 17th August 2018 | Grace
At only 20 years old, Brazilian singer Nonô has already moved half way around the world, started her life as a musician and is living up life in London. With her new single Bite being released not long ago, Nonô is a fresh face on the music scene, but with a Brazilian funk and samba inspired backbeat, catchy rhythm and worthy lyrics, it will be no time until the artist is going to be a part of every pop and dance lovers collection.
Tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Nonô, I’m a Libra and I say more dumb things before 9am than most people say all day.
What was your first thought this morning?
I should really wash my hair today
Define yourself using 3 words.
Perfectionist, hard-working and competitive
Where do you get your news from?
I get my news on the internet - a lot by watching talk shows like Stephen Colbert or Seth Meyers on YouTube
You are originally from Brazil, but now reside in London, what is it about living here that you love?
In London I’m very free and independent… Funnily enough, I love the tube (except in the mornings) but I really love it because I can get around anywhere in the city, especially when I’m going to my writing/recording sessions.
What are some of the challenges you face living in the capital?
People can be quite cold in London which makes you feel very lonely especially when you’ve just moved in from a completly different country.
Does your Brazilian background influence the music that you make?
Definitely! In every song I write, I’m always trying to sneak in a little bit of Brazilian percussion, lyrics or melodies.
What is the most trouble you have ever been in?
Eating space cakes in Amsterdam and trying to find a way back to the hostel - Dutch is very, very hard but try reading/understanding it when you’re completely out of yourself - that’s the real challenge.
Tell us about your new track Bite?
I wrote Bite in Stockholm together with the amazing Victoria Alkin and Gustav Nystrom. As I mentioned before, I am always trying to sneak in something from my Brazilian background and I told that to both of them when we were creating the track and that’s why the production sounds quite “tropical”.
Your new video is shot around London, how did you pick the spots you wanted to film in?
The whole team agreed that the video should be colourful as to resemble Brazil but also had to have the contrasts between day and night to fit with the lyrics. Day scenes were filmed in Alexandra Palace - which I usually go every Saturday + Finsbury Park, and for the night scenes we used Cecilie’s Tchikai (who’s a really cool photographer) house in New Cross.
What was it like working with music and film duo Temptress?
Jess and Vlad from Temptress were amazing, so hard-working! We spent a whole day from 12pm until 00:30am shooting the video for Bite. Everyone was exhausted, but they never let the ball down, they were always active and trying to make the most out of every shot.
You have said in the past that your lyrics refer to the Adam and Eve story, does religion play a big part in what you do?
I studied in a catholic school for most of my life and because of that, it’s very hard for me not to be influenced by religion.
You have also said that your musical influence is anyone from Seu Jorge to Billy Holiday to Eminem, how does your music fit into this eclectic mix?
I wanted my music to have a bit of everything that I listen to. I’m still not sure on where to place my music yet — I want it to be a mix of all styles.
What is the message you are trying to get across in your music?
Through my music and through who I am as a person, I’m always trying to pass on the message that you can never quit going after what you love. It’s very cliché but when you have a big dream, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from, I believe that if you want something hard enough and work for it, you can achieve anything.
What is your guide to life?
My mom is my guide to life
What does the future hold for you?
World domination. Although for now/ the end of 2018 I plan on releasing 2 more original singles + their videoclips.
Where can we keep up to date with what you are doing?
You can keep track of everything that’s going on with me by following me on Instagram @nonoofficial or my Facebook Page: Nonoofficial