Forever evolving, rock band Maddison are back with another killer track!
Compromising of James, Peter, Benji, Aled and Kob, Maddison are sure to be the next big thing on the alternative music scene. As well as reflecting on the lead singers mental health and passion for music, the band have also been compared to legends such as Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age and Muse.
So, how did you guys meet?
Some of the lads have known each other since school, but we all ended up meeting though various bands and the South Wales music scene over the years.
What was it like growing up in Chepstow (South Wales)?
It was cool. It’s a small town, so for a kid, there wasn’t lots to do but I’d always find something to keep me entertained!
Where are you based now?
I’m still living in Chepstow. That’s also where my studio is, and where we practise and demo new music.
What was your first thought this morning?
How much I wanted to get out on my Revolver Jetski in this awesome weather!
You have openly spoken about how anxiety and mental heath have influenced your music. How does this background affect the creative process?
It’s a love hate relationship in the sense that my history gives me a lot to write from, but my anxiety often tells me what I’ve done isn’t good enough. Thankfully I’ve learned to push though the negative thoughts, enabling me to channel them into something positive through music.
With this in mind, is there a message in your music?
I like to think so. I’m living proof that living with some form of mental health issue, as bad as it can be some times, isn’t the end of the world. My music is my stories, my battles and my recovery.
What else influences you?
Everything really! My family, friends, what I see and hear, places I go.
Tell us about your new single, 'Lose My Mind'?
‘Lose My Mind’ is taken from our new EP Recovery. It’s an upbeat, anthemic rock track about being in control of your own mind, controlling your emotions, and trying not to lose it.
Where do you see your music fitting in today’s alternative music scene?
I think it fits somewhere in the middle. It’s not too aggressive, nor is it light at all. It’s straight up rock music with a message, with plenty of choruses you can sing along to. We’ve got something for everyone!
Who would be in your ultimate band?
Dave Gilmour and myself on guitars, Gene Simmons on bass, Neil Peart on drums and Dave Grohl on vocals. I think that’d be pretty sweet myself!
If you were prime minister, what law would you make?
My first law change would be that every day, you need to have a random conversation with a stranger. You never know what someone’s dealing with or going though, and sometimes a conversation with someone you don’t know can really change things for the better.
Who has the worst habit in the band?
There are none that I know of! There is a bit of a sarcasm epidemic though.
What is your life motto?
Make the most of the people you love, your friends and family. Support and encourage people and live life to the fullest. You can never put things off. If you want to go somewhere or be someone, start right now.
What are you most looking forward to?
Getting out on the road!