Guestlist speaks with one of the OG's of jump up, Twisted Individual
Drum and Bass | Wednesday 27th September 2017 | Arren
Twisted Individual has landed back in the scene after a period off, and he sounds better than ever!
When drum & bass’ excitable and crazy offshoot jump up started picking up back in the late 90s early noughties, Twisted Individual was right at its forefront. Insanely dirty basslines, rough drums and funny AF samples all combined to create a style that only Twisted could show ‘em how it’s done propa. He was a staple name in sets, lineups and his Grid Recordings flooded the scene with sick tunes.
After a break from the scene, Twisted released a new track 'Wobble By Nature' last year. Since he’s been locked away in the studio, only having the odd break to rinse it out in the clubs. We managed to get him for a quick chat to see what’s happening in the wibbly wobbly world of Twisted Individual.
Hey, how are you?
Pretty fucking high!
What was your first thought this morning?
Wake & bake motherfockers!!!
What's got you motivated right now?
Gorilla Glue.
What are you most in love with right now?
Gotta send a big shout out to my dawgs Kush & Diesel xxx
You had a break from the scene, but you're back - must have been like starting over!? Have you come up any different challenges this time around?
I had to train my ears how to mix down again. That was fun, NOT!
You're one of the original OG's of jump up, has the scene changed much between your breaks? Has this affected the way you go about your production?
Ha thanks! But no, I'm going to affect the way everyone else goes about their production!!!
You're approaching 20 years in the scene, big up! What makes the scene so special that you haven't wanted to leave?
I do want to leave, it won’t let me.
It looks like you've been mad busy in the studio recently, you must have loads of fresh material. Anything coming up that you’re particularly excited about?
I've got a single on 31 Recordings I'm happy about. Doc Scott asked me to do a tune for the label in 2003. It only took me 15 years!!!
You've got a future release on the re-launched Prototype, nice one man! What does Prototype mean to you?
Grooverider's a superhero, I owe him a lot. He pushed my sound when no one else was interested and also gave me access to his studio when my house burned down. So anything I can do to repay the favour. Prototype was big business back in the day, so it’s an honour to be part of it.
What's your schedule looking like right now?
I've been doing 2 to 4 gigs a month, it’s picking up. I'm enjoying the studio more than anything at the mo, but there's not enough hours in the day.
You recently said that it's like 2001 for you again. What's your best memory from that year?
I done my first tour of North America that year with SS & Warren G. First stop was 5000 people in a cornfield in Hawaii - was fuckin mental. They threw me in at the deep end. Spent a couple of days chillin on Waikiki beach.
You've been working with Tyke, how's it working with him?
Yeh Twisted and Tyke aka T.W.A.T! Not much to like about him really, he's a tosser. We've got a couple of bangers ready, he's gonna present them to Playaz, so we'll see what happens. But yeah, he's the wickedest producer in the game apart from me!
Who's the funniest person you know?
You mean there are still funny people left in the world? I thought everyone was too busy being offended and playing the professional victim.
Whose tunes can't you stop listening to right now?
Lee Scott, he's UK Hip Hop, the best rapper there ever was. Other than that, when I'm not in the studio or club, I like silence it’s epic! I'm constantly fighting over the car volume with my Mrs: on, off, on, off!!!
Any dnb track that's never left your bag?
I'm usually obliged to play Rusty Sheriff's Badge.
If you could fill a swimming pool with anything, what would it be and why?
That's easy, Gorilla Glue!
What would you do to change the world?
Population reduction in accordance with the Georgia Guide Stones.
Has there been a party you've been to that's changed your life?
Scored some DMT at a party once, that shit was pretty life-changing. I met Shiva in a realm of light and colours that don't exist and spoke in an ancient language using telepathy. Totally fucking ego squashing.
If you could play anywhere in the world, where would that be?
North Korea, Chechnya, Nagorno Karabakh, Abkhazia, Transdniestra, or Weston Super Mare.
Twisted Individual
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