
'Trespass Against Us': A Family Feuds Against A Kickass Soundtrack

Other | Wednesday 8th March 2017 | Jenny Desborough

The Chemical Brothers lend their sonic vibes to this action-drama about a father and son, at odds about their criminal ways.

Starring Brendan Gleeson and Michael Fassbender (throwing on some slightly shaky West Country accents), the story follows the Cutlers, a traveller crime-family whose burgeoning differences come to a head when Fassbender's Chad attempts to start a new life with his wife and children, much to the consternation of his father, Gleeson's Colby.

Brendan Gleeson gives a sinister performance as the family patriarch, who is certainly not to be messed with. He tries to instill his values into his grandson Tyson, (played by Georgie Smith, a traveller child whose amazing portrayal is one of the best things in the film), including his distrust of 'the system' that leads the entire family to live outside the law.

But Chad wants more for his children. He tries his damndest to no longer be embroiled in the family thieving and wants his children to get an education. Though Tyson is desperate to join the big boys on their raids of country houses and wild car chases. Things then start to get tricky when Chad becomes the subject of a manhunt after his latest burglary winds up on the news.

While the film boasts some amazing driving set pieces and good performances across the board, the soundtrack is the big thing that makes this one to see. The car chases are accompanied by pumping basslines that make your heart beat faster and faster, while delicate synth is set against the more tender moments where family strife turns into emotional breakthrough.

Trespass Against Us is a mix of action, family drama and some kickass electronic tunes, making it one to see this month.