It's been a great year for renewable energy, but we can't stop here.
So far in 2016 we've been smashing records and realising new potential from renewable energy sources.
Over the years, in Europe espically, we've been pushing hard on harvesting our energy from renewable sources. Whether it's from wind turbines, solar panels or hydro water stations - it's hard not too see these new power stations opening.
This year we're finally seeing some results and well on our way to harvesting all our energy from 100% renewable sources.
This year's biggest renewable achievement came from Portugal. They managed to supply 100% of their energy from renewables for four days. Overall this year, 3/4 of Portugal's energy has been harvested from renewable sources.
Over in Germany recently electricity from their renewable sources hit 87% of the countries need. So much energy was generated that some energy consumers were paid for using electricity as the prices turned negative.
Even here in the UK we’ve up’ed our renewable game, with our huge solar energy plants smashing previous records and beating the power output from coal for a day. And that’s with our shit weather!
All these huge achievements and we’re only just halfway through the year! But let’s not all get caught up here, these are obviously big achievements but there's still a long way to go to tackle climate change and truly become 100% renewable. But as these facts show we’re obviously heading in the right direction!