
Martyn interview

Monday 10th December 2012 | Osh

Ahead of playing at Secretsundaze New Years Eve party we hooked up with Dutch electronic music producer, DJ and label owner. Continually pushing boundaries by playing and exploring all music, this guy brings us good music, whatever the genre.

Firstly I wanted to say that I saw you play at the Secretsundaze Closing Party at The Oval and it was pretty epic. I loved how you dropped all the old school classics such as Inner City ‘Good Life’. The crowd were going mental! How was that night for you?   
That was a lot of fun actually, I really like the fact that the Secretsundaze events start in the afternoon, and end early. It gives it a different vibe than an ‘ordinary’ Saturday night out. The crowd is there for the music and the dance, so for a DJ it’s great to play at an event like that. Also, sadly enough, it was the first and the last time I played with Two Armadillos :\ So I hope people will also remember that amazing event for that.

I first heard you playing on a dubstep vibe with your album ‘Great Lengths’, but you switch it up and play all different genres. What is your favourite genre to play?
It doesn’t really work like that. I have always listened to many different vibes and I like to play a mixed bag at all times. Sometimes I’m on a certain tip and just like to explore that sound for a while, before moving to something else. The point is to keep moving!  

Your remix of TRG's Broken Heart got you noticed in the dubstep scene. Did you ever imagine it would be so big?  
Nah, I don’t even consider it a dubstep track to be honest. It was just a good idea I had for the mix and it came out at the right time.    

You brought drum & bass to your hometown of Eindhoven in the 90s with your parties, how was their reaction?  
Well it wasn’t like I introduced it, people knew about the music, but what we did was put on a monthly event that would bring the top people in dnb at that time to Eindhoven to play the music.

This year you were invited to put together the legendary Radio 1 Essential Mix for Pete Tong. How did you go picking the tracks for this? (Wicked mix by the way!)
Well since it’s a radio mix and people will (hopefully) listen to it a few times over, I wanted to include a few things that weren’t necessarily “dance music” as well as some hard to find tracks and things people may not have heard before.

Have you got anything that we should be keeping our eye on for with your label 3024? Yeah We’ve been working hard on some new 3024 release for 2013. We just had an EP by Trevino out, and up next is a wicked split 12 with four very talented Canadian producers: Gingy, Nautiluss, Kevin mcPhee and Bruce Trail.

You released your album Ghost People last year, tell us about the production on this and how this differs from Great Lengths?
I think every album is a conclusion of another chapter in one’s (musical) life. Surely I change things in my studio all the time so the sound on each album is quite different, at least to my ears.

So you are married how do you juggle your music, touring, playing and married life?!
It’s not hard if you married the right person!

Where is your favourite place to play in the world?
Wow there’s many places I love to travel to / play at.. Tokyo, Moscow, Berlin, Munich, Torino, Manchester, Warsaw, Montreal are some of my favs.

You are playing the epic NYE Secretsundaze party this year, was is the best thing for you about getting to play at this party?  
I have a lot of friends in London, so I’m glad to be celebrating the New Year with them!

Have you any New Year resolutions?   
Nah I always believed in having good resolutions all year round!   

What is the most exciting that you are looking forward to next year and can you give us an exclusive?  
I’ve been working really hard on my next album and a visual show that goes with it, so next year I’ll be able to show it to the world :)     

Thanks for your time, we can’t wait to see you at Secretsundaze NYE party!      
Thanks a lot.

For more information follow on twitter @MARTYN3024

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For tickets for Secretsundaze go to


Words by Tabtha Taylor
