
The Man Behind, NoClouds.

Tuesday 6th November 2012 | Nolo

‘Well the slogan is “Don’t cloud your judgement” you see one thing and assume that it’s going to go a particular way, which is not always the case.’

With the recession and the weather still damping the morale in London’s youth, it is refreshing to see a young entrepreneur still putting in work and making it happen for himself. NoClouds a young clothing line founded by Bola a.k.a Agent Clouds while at University is set to release its Space Series collection in December. We decided to head over to the man without rain and grab a cappuccino with him.

Sup man, how you doing today?

I’m doing good, got a coffee - lil cappuccino how about you?

Yea I’m good man, I’m good.  So why do you call yourself Agent Cloud?

That was a name that got given to me by somebody, can’t really remember who. I don’t know even where it came from. I mean, I wouldn’t personally call myself that; it’s just a nickname that got given to me.

So what inspired you to get into clothing?

At the time I was a big fan of streetwear but a couple brands I was into, kind of fell off. So I decided to create clothing that I liked based on my interests. I started the line while at University which was challenging to say the least. 

 That’s where NoClouds came from?

 Yeah that’s right…. Well the slogan is “Don’t cloud your judgement” you see one thing and assume that it’s going to go a particular way, which is not always the case. It’s about going against the norms, just being as expressive as possible in my own unique way.

 Ok, now you’re at University and you have started to create NoClouds. There must have been a few obstacles in the way.

Finding enough time to get everything done and also the money to fund the line. I think that the money was the main obstacle but that’s the same with a lot of people. I funded it mainly through working and saving little chunks of my student loan so it took a long time to finally print.

So do you work on your own?

At the moment I don’t have a team but for now I prefer it that way, its hard work but it’s solely my vision.

Working on your own, and having nobody to bounce ideas off must have been a challenge. Where do you gain the inspiration to create and develop new ideas?

Everything… I listen to a lot of music depending on my mood! My favourite artist at the moment is Kendrick Lamar. A couple other people I have been listening to are the Weeknd, Kanye and a bit different Bill Evans (jazz) helps me to concentrate. Two people that are big inspirations of mine are Virgil Abloah and Pharrell Williams, very creative people.

 Is this how you got your inspiration for the Space Series collection?

I wanted to create a story, Each t shirt has a meaning. I combined influences from lots of different things and tried to put all of that into the collection. There is the space patch, space confines, Astrobot and Space vortex. Some of the designs are self-explanatory but don’t want to give away too much.

When’s the Space Series release date?

Yesterday hahaha…. Nah I’d say latest December.

Does this mean there’s a spring collection coming up?

Yes and no at the moment. It took a really long time – I got delayed releasing this line. So, I don’t know if I’ll be ready for spring or not but I’m starting to sketch designs up to try and prepare myself. As long as this is released now then I’ll be good for spring.

And what about NoClouds in general, how do you see it maturing?

I want to develop the brand and create some tailored pieces. I would love to create some premium luxury blazers but put my own unique style into the blazers nothing too flashy I’m quite a simplistic person. That will come in due time, for now I’m focused on the space series collection.

 What are your 3 favourite fashion items that you could not live without?

Do I have to own them?


Ok I would probably say… this is actually a tough question. I’ll do ones that I own. My Maison Margiela trainers which I’m wearing now, simple black classic , can’t really go wrong with them. Alexander Wang oversized t-shirt it’s just really comfortable, relaxed, black can’t really go wrong with that and my Paul Smith blazer, it’s a malt colour. I’m a big fan of Paul Smiths Tailoring. I like simple things not too flashy.

What city is really doing it for you in the fashion scene?

That’s a good question, I’d probably say London. There’s so many diverse styles you get the hipsters and then there’s also the more formal look. I look at Mr Porter as well; it’s quite high end with a mix of formal wear and some street wear which I think is representative of London style.

Keeping with the Space Series collection vibe we have, I’m going to ask you some random questions to do with space.


The first man already landed on the man and spoke those famous words “one small step for man one giant leap for mankind” If you were to be the first man on mars what would be your famous first words?

HaHa, “Don’t cloud your judgement.”

You are on a spaceship - trapped in space. You can send a distress call back to earth or you can sand one to a planet that may be habitable? Which one is it?

It’s to the planet that might be habitable; we already know what’s on earth I want to know what’s elsewhere.

Name 9 celebrities you would invite to start a new colony with in space?

Erm do they need to be of a certain industry?

Nah not really

Pharrell that would be cool, who else is there?

Ryan Gosling from drive, Kevin Hart, Zoe Saldana… Erm yeah?

You going to leave it at that?


Three guys and one girl?

Ah help me out man I’m trying to think of some girls.

Erm Sofia Vergara

She’s hilarious, she’s hot as well. Yea I’d say her cause she’s funny and she’s hot.

Alright, well thanks for talking to the we look forward to seeing more of your designs.

Find out more about NoClouds at:

Written by: Nolo Ngobene, @nolo26