Enriching Travel and Real Experience with Kaya responsible travel
Other | Thursday 20th September 2012 | Osh
Kaya responsible travel gives the opportunity to volunteer abroad, learn a language abroad and gain valuable overseas work experience.
Have you ever thought of making your hobby an enriching experience? You love to travel abroad then why not make it for human cause? The best way to travel abroad as well as volunteer is to do it with Kaya responsible travel.
Kaya will provide an opportunity to volunteer in Central and South America, Africa or Asia-Pacific and get involved in enrionmental and conservation research, building projects, teaching and education, wildlife conservation, community development, child care and sports coaching.
Whether you are skilled or unskilled, it really doesn’t matter to Kaya. They will train you before any tour so that you can be a responsible traveller.
Not only this, they also provide TEFL and Language courses, which will help you to gain employment abroad. The majority of their courses either involve an element of volunteering or can be combined with volunteer projects making your study abroad experience a meaningful one.
Hannah Kate, one of their students, mentioned in a review-, “When coming across kaya, I did not realise it would lead to a life-changing experience... I found Kaya and saw their project titled 'Provide support to victims of human trafficking'. This was a project based in Chiang Mai in the north of Thailand... Kaya have supported me throughout and it's because of them that I got to do the volunteer work of my dreams...”
What else should we say? Know more at http://www.kayavolunteer.com/ and join them soon for a safe and educational trip.
By Shavy Malhotra