
Tinchy Stryder Interview

RnB/Hip Hop | Friday 16th December 2011 | Osh


Tinchy Stryder may be one of the shortest male stars to have featured in the top 40 but that’s not all he’s achieved. He currently has his new album and clothing line out and is searching for the freshest face on the music scene with Rock Nation. TGN caught up with him.
So what have you been up to at the moment? Busy?
Oh yeah, I’ve been mad busy man, every day is hectic, but I guess that’s just the way it is. But I’m enjoying it, I’m not complaining.
So last year was so successful for you – do you feel any pressure to maintain that success now?
Yeah definitely man, that’s why I called my album “Third Strike.” I was thinking what should I name it when I recorded it then I thought lots of people would be watching and thinking “what’s he going to come up with next?”. I felt under a lot of pressure so, I decided to name it “Third Strike”.
What can fans expect from this new album?
From the new album- loads. I guess it’s like a growth in me as a person and as a musician. I feel like on this album I go a bit deeper, like this is the deepest I’ve ever been, in terms of what I’ve got to talk about.  It’s all to do with this last year. And yeah, it’s interesting; you get to know me better.
You’ve been working with Rihanna and supported her on her tour – and Jay Z as well – what was Rihanna like? Did you party with her quite a lot?
Yeah, you know what – the only time I actually partied with Rihanna was when she had a show in Belgium, and she invited me over there and I watched the show, and we hung out afterwards, she had a wicked after-party. She’s cool, she knows how to party!
You’ve recently signed a joint venture as well called the Take Over Rock Nation – can you tell us a bit about this and how this came about?
Take Over Rock Nation is a thing where Rock Nation comes over to us through the music, music is what grabbed everyone first and foremost. I’m a big Jay Z fan and he kinda surrounded the whole movement that the Rockafella has. It made perfect sense because some people thought I was signed to them or him as an artist but it was more like a come together to find new artists from here just to find something special some new talent to bring through and the best thing about it is there is no rush, I don’t think you can ever rush somehting that like when the time is right and the act is right then that’s the time to go.
You’ve worked with loads of people – who would be one of your dream collaborations, who would it be your dream to work with?
Dream collaboration… I’d have to say, right now, probably Kanye West. Yeah, everything about him, man – in terms of production, and as an artist.Will.I.Am too, I just like different people who are going to bring something new to the table. Everytime those guys come out its like a reinvention.
So you’ve got your clothing line “Star In The Hood”, which is really taking off. Tell us about that – do you plan to expand out of the UK with it?
Oh yeah, hopefully. I wanna spread it as far out as it can reach, man. But I guess at the moment the UK is where I start from - this is home. You know, it’s like how we started music from in our bedrooms. It started online and now I’m doing a bit wih JD sports – it’s growing bit by bit, you know what I’m saying?
So who would be your top 3 MCs of all time?
Biggie Smalls… Jay Z … And probably – I dunno, I like Eminem, but personally for me I’d have to say 2Pac, because he wasn’t the most lyrical MC but there was just something about him - he had something which other people didn’t have.
A few of your peers, like Bashy and Plan B, have gone into acting – is that something that you’d be interested in doing?
Yeah, well, before I didn’t really want to do that, but now I’d quite like to try it. But I guess with Bashy especially, and Plan B as well I guess but I know Bashy a bit more, and I think he’s been there and done that and been in those schools from quite a young age. But yeah I guess I would like to give it a go, it’d be interesting – it’d be fun.
Watch this space, yeah?!
Yeah, watch this space.
So you got signed to Island Records in 2008, and it was massive but you were actually still at university doing your degree! – Was it kind of hard doing that, were you ever tempted to just leave it and just do the music?
Yeah, it was hard, I got to a stage when I was in my final year and there were a couple of modules I had to finish and that was the same time when that I got a number one, I was on tour and loads of things were going on.
Would you say that you’re a bit of a ladies man?
Would I say I’m a bit of a ladies man? I dunno, what would you say?
I don’t know – that’s why I asked!
Yeah, um, I dunno, I guess I am a little bit!
Would you say now that you’ve shot to fame you feel like you have changed?
Nah I wouldn’t say I’ve changed as such but I’d say a lot of things around me have changed, so naturally that makes you change. When things around you are changing and you don’t move on with what’s happening then you can get lost, you have to adapt to you circumstances, so I think Ive naturally changed but I don’t think personally I’ve changed, I’m still how I am, but have had to think twice about one or two more things.
And how does it feel to be one of the shortest male stars to have been in the Top 40? That’s quite an achievement there!
Haha, I’ve not actually thought of that!
So as an artist, overall, what’s your ultimate ambition?
You know I’ve never felt that I would do this then I’m done, there are lots of things I want to achieve. I guess with music I just want to take it as far out and as worldwide as I can. When making music I’ve never thought I want to sell this much and that much.  I just want to make music that I like and that people can connect with. There are loads of achievements that come with it like arena tours and stuff. And there is so much more that I want to do.
And what’s in store for the future? What can we expect?
Expect the unexpected that’s what I always say. I want to just create moments and the thing is I like that to come naturally man, I don’t want to sit down and plan things. For the future I just want to be maintaining and progressing that’s the key.
Great. Thanks Tinchy, hope to catch you soon.