
Jaguar Skills Interview

RnB/Hip Hop | Friday 16th December 2011 | Osh


From mash up mix-tapes to Radio 1 DJ, Jaguar Skills talks to The Guestlist Network about recognition and influence, festivals, luck and ninja’s? 

Your famously known for playing the character of a ninja during your live shows, what is the story behind this?

Can't tell's a secret. 

Is it fun being a ninja?!

Shhhh....I'm not REALLY a ninja...but don't tell anyone...

How did you develop your sound?

From listening to stuff like Public Enemy, De La Soul....old concept Hip-Hop albums - the way that producers like The Bomb Squad put their production together was really amazing to me. They put in loads of sound effects and clips from old radio show's and TV shows. Prince Paul, who's an old school Hip-Hop producer, really influenced me. He's a genus and visionary. Then for DJ's - I love Norman Jay, Jazzie B, Femi Fem - these dude's played soul and funk in the 80's and 90's and were amazing to me. Growing up, Tim Westwood had a huge impact on me, as he did for all the Hip-Hop heads in the 80's and 90's. And later on, Fake Blood showed me a bunch of things..then add a load of Bruce Lee films, old 80's ninja movies...and've got me...

You have your regular slot every Saturday on the Trevor Nelson show on Radio One, how did this come about?

Well, I did a gig with Zane Lowe once, and he introduced me to Phil Stocker, who's a producer, at Radio One...and the rest is history....

You experiment with lots of different samples and techniques to create your unique mash up style, what inspires your music?

To me music is a visual thing. When I hear music, I see images. Could be as abstract as a colour - or it something really visual like a car-chase. I just try and get what's in my head onto the computer. Plus I try to be honest with it too. If I like a tune, no matter if it could be regarded as crap or un-cool or something, I'll put it in the mix. Then just try and frame it, so it's almost like it's the first time you've heard it. Also I love to deconstruct familiar tunes and put them back together again in an unexpected way. I like to get the familiar and twist it. 

In 2004 Jade Jagger invited you to play a residency at her world famous night Ezebel parties in Ibiza, this must have been a lot of fun?!

Yeah lots. It was great doing Jade's party's - it was a real eye opener. Plus they were every supportive of me....great times!

What do you feel has been your biggest achievement of your career so far?

Getting on Radio One - as a regular DJ - has to be up there....

You caused a storm with your mixtape “1979-2006: A Hip-Hop Odyssey - 800 Tracks In 45 Minutes”, that was released in 2006. This was something that had never been done before- tell us about the idea behind this?

The idea just came to me one night. It took me 3 days to make. Then it was downloaded over a million times. I only made it for a Christmas present...cos I was super-broke and thought that it would be a nice Digi-present to make...little did I know.... 

You played at Bestival this year and was crazy! Do you enjoy playing festivals?

Bestival, for me, was a highlight. I was Djing to 4000 people, in a massive 80ft metal spider that had flames coming out the top of it.....what can top that?

You have worked with big artist such as Lupe Fiasco is there any other people you would like to collaborate with?

I'm looking to do some productions next year with a bunch of different producers....more news to come....

Is there any new music that you are listening to at the moment?

Loads. The new NERO tune "Me & You" is on repeat right now....

If you could have a swimming pool filled with anything what would it be?!


Describe a typical weekend in the life of Jaguar Skills- is there lots of ninja training?!

Yes - I try and perform at least ten press ups each weekend....most weeks I fail...but I'm aiming for ten this weekend....

Thanks for your time and we look forward to catching you soon!

Can't wait! HooOOOO!!! x