
Tantrum Desire Interview

Drum and Bass | Tuesday 6th December 2011 | Osh

Tantrum Desire are making some serious waves in drum & bass right now, we caught up for a chat...

You worked with some massive names on Foreplay EP, were these always people you aspired to work with? Did you get your pick?
Jay: The vocals on 'Play Tonight' and 'Pay Your Own Way' were acapellas that I sampled and chopped which fitted nicely with what I was doing. I suppose I wouldn't mind working with those vocalists, why not. 'Tough Love' and 'Designed' were vocals by a good pal of mine named Jon Reline, who was with me in the studio at the time when I was working on the tracks. Already he had some vocal ideas ready to go and it all just came together instantly.

You’ve really made your mark on the Drum and Bass scene, we can’t wait to see what’s coming, so where are you going from here?
Jay: Still constantly wearing myself out in the studio making new music and evolving my sound. The direction I am looking to take Tantrum Desire in is getting wider in terms of making different kinds of electronic music. I am currently working on an album but I’m concentrating on the quality of it, so its something I’m taking a lot of time with.

You’ve done your own re-mix for Reach, is it hard to change a track you personally worked for so long on? Is this you setting out plans to break into the Dubstep scene now?
Jay: It depends, sometimes it can be a little tricky to re-create an idea to a different tempo, because of how much time was spent on the original mix and how attached you get to it. On the other hand it can just all come together when changing a track as it’s always nice to start a fresh project and I’m always interested in experimenting with music. The 'Reach' D&B and Dubstep versions just all fell into place nicely when I was writing it. I like what’s happening in the world of dubstep; drum and bass will always be the first love but it’s just refreshing to spread your wings when making music. It’s all just experimental and doing something different.

You’ve created your own trademark sound, would you say that helped build your success and break into the scene? Is it hard to keep your stuff fresh with a trademark sound?
Jay: Whatever that trademark sound is, I would say it has helped a lot. I suppose it’s paid off by how much time I spend in the studio creating and manipulating sounds. These days it can be a challenge to keep coming out with fresh music, because of how electronic music has progressed over the years and how technology has developed and is accessible to so many. There’s so many artists out there now that are making some great music and it’s a fact that someone’s always going to bring something new to the world of sound.

Reach (released NOV 27th), has been highly anticipated, getting specialist plays on 1xtra, sounds like it’s all kicking off. Do you reckon the video for the track has helped with exposure? Cause it’s properly freaky.
Jay: The video is another stepping stone which has helped a lot with exposure and has sweetened up the track aswell. Its only made the 'Reach' package stronger and is been getting a lot of love and support from all types of media. The concept of the video has also got people thinking and talking about the characteristics in the scene, which is quite interesting. It all adds to the buzz.

You’ve come a long way in the last 7 years, what’s been the highlight for you? You must have seen a lot at shows, what’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you guys?
Jay: The biggest highlight personally was probably playing at the 2010 Winterfresh festival in Los Angeles. The atmosphere and excitement out there is really nice to be involved in. I’ve always loved visiting the U.S and being able to perform out there was a great experience and pleasure. A few years ago we had a gig in London town that turned out to be a right failure. We didn't even perform or even get past the entrance because the event was about to be shutdown. Because of how much debt the promoter fell into with the club, he was then confronted by the owners and he just gave up and decided to pull a stunt by jumping out a 2nd floor window and legged it. He just abandoned the whole event. It was quite funny at the time.

What would you fill a swimming pool if you could fill it with anything except water?
Jay: Passion fruit juice

Which three people would you take with you to a desert island?
Jay: No one because I will probably see three or more people there by hallucination!

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