
This is why it's the end for your car

Other | Wednesday 26th July 2017 | Rose

We have been waiting for a clean air plan to come into force, and here it is.

Britain will be BANNING sales of petrol and diesel fuel cars by 2040.

Poor air quality is the biggest environmental risk to public health, in fact: Air pollution kills 9,000 londoners a year

The announcement of this ban follows Macron's promise in France to do the same.

There may also be clean air zones and charges for motorists travelling in certain areas where air pollution is particularly high.

What does this mean for your car?

With fuel cars disappearing, there will be a transition to fully electronic and hybrid cars. Volvo have already pledged to only make electric and hybrid cars and vans by 2019.

Is it happening soon enough?

ClientEarth said ministers must take immediate action to tackle the UK’s air pollution crisis.

Councils are being given budgets to make local changes to traffic lights, roundabouts, speed bumps and road layouts, to dissuade people from driving and help improve air quality in areas which has breached EU standards. 

YET, there is nothing in place to force councils to make these changes, and though clean air zones have been discussed, they may not be put in place because of unpopularity of taxing already expensive driving with the public.

From what we’ve read, aside from banning saled of fuel cars, the environmental plans at this stage seem wishy washy.

We need lower legal levels of air pollution

Petrol engines produce massive amounts of carbon dioxide. Diesel engines produce nitrogen oxides, which is a huge fear for public health.

The emissions from diesel cars are associated with poor urban air quality. In London, the public are suffering from the health impacts of the air they breathe. The statistics truly are shocking.

Diesel needs to be scrapped. Far before 2040.