Like honest, bass heavy beats? Trex is your guy
Drum and Bass | Wednesday 3rd October 2018 | Arren
We chat with Trex, the man behind the latest fire from the Mac 2 camp.
Joe Trex has mastered his craft and now is hammering the scene with golden rolling beats. His works have been picked up by a range of labels from Lockdown, Flex Out and his own venture with Quest, Trust Audio.
It's through Randall's esteemed Mac 2 that he has made the biggest impact though. EPs such as Treatment & Soul For Sale have been wildly supported, and it's easy to hear why. Earlier this summer Trex's debut, High Times landed on Mac 2. A culimation of all the jumps and stretches this producer has made over the years has resulted in a truly epic album. Across 13 tracks Trex explores his sound which has caught the attention of so many over the past few years.
From smooth rollers, grimey jabbers and dubby wanders, High Times keeps you all ears. Only the latest fire from an extremely promising producer.
Hey man, how are you?
Hello. Very good thank you.
What was your first thought this morning?
How was your summer? How was you schedule?
It was a strange summer. The hottest of most of our lifetimes. Most of it was spent getting everything ready to release my album and then promoting the hell out of it. Managed to squeeze in a trip to France too.
What’s got you motivated right now?
Continuing to progress improve in the studio. I have a lot of new music finished. I am also motivated to get my label Trust Audio to a bigger audience.
How was Sun & Bass this year?
Although I was only there for 3 nights, I managed to get into the vibe almost immediately. So to get to play was very special but as a raver too it was so good. Met and bumped into some great folk.
What makes Sun & Bass special compared to other d&b events?
Well the surroundings help. Sardinia is stunning. Also the friendly international vibe of the punters and the respect that people have for the event and the local area. The music is pretty damn good too!
For those who might not have heard your sounds, how would you describe it in five words?
Rolling, Honest, Bass Heavy, Emotive.
You recently released your album ‘High Time’, must have free’d up so time!? What’s your next moves?
Yeh it's been strange not having the album to think about. I have been writing non stop since and have releases penned in for Dispatch, Sofa Sound, The Dreamers and Code in the coming months, I will also be releasing an EP on my label Trust before the end of the year. There will also be some high profile remixes from High Time dropping in soon as well as new material.
You dropped the LP on Mac II, and in the past have dropped a few tracks and EPs with them. What’s your relationship with Randall & Flex?
I had known Randall a while before I started releasing with Mac2 from promoting events. He is a top guy and a legend in this game, so to have his ear and to get to know him has been a blessing. I have met Flex a few times and he is one chilled out dude. Another jungle legend. There are a bunch of producers that release on Mac2 now and there is a little family vibe going on.
What’s been your favourite release from Mac 2? What was so good about it?
Pieces was a great VA album in my opinion but Pieces 2 was up another level up again. So many big tunes on it!
You also run your own label with Quest, Trust Audio and built up a good discography so far! What are you long term goals for the label?
Yes we are closing in on release number 10 now. The long term goal is to have a solid roster of contributors and some label nights to showcase the music. Basically to keep it moving in the right direction and to put out good, honest drum and bass music.
It explains that your label is a space to bring together artists of a similar sound, any good acts that you’ve got you eye on? Tell us a little about them?
At the moment I am releasing music from people that I know within the scene. We have had a lot of music from across the pond from the likes of Jaybee, Zere & Habit, John Rolodex and Dave Owen, alongside long time pals Cybin and Latent Notion from the UK. There are a few other new artists sending me music regularly and I am helping with the progression of their sound. Just waiting for that right tune to come along. We are always open to accepting new demos too!
You describe yourself as a ‘long time dnb fanatic based in Camden’, what artists got you into drum & bass and what was it that drew you into this long term love for drum & bass?
I was always into the rolling Bristol sound. So the Full Cycle crew were always pushing the boundaries for me. Anyone making decent rolling dnb really!
What events/clubs in London did you or do you hit up? What makes them good?
I head out to Soul in Motion when I can. Love the vibe in there and the music is always on point and up front. I am really looking forward to playing there this month.
Has there been a party you’ve been to that was life changing?
Four or five years ago I went to Space in Ibiza, Carl Cox was playing and randomly my mate was playing upstairs too. So there was a gang of us there and it was a special night. I am so glad I got to go there before it closed.
What are you most in love with right now?
Aside from my family . Eating good food. Over the years through various jobs and experiences I learnt to cook. So to cook well and eat out at decent places is a passion.
What ideas have changed your life?
The idea to write an album. ! It was something that at times seemed like It would never get there. More than anything it proved to myself that I can complete big projects rather than just talk about them.
If you could award anyone in the world a lifetime achievement award, who would it be and why?
My Mum. She is the best!
Trex’s album High Time is out now on Mac2 - Buy
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