Mary J Blige: 'I was homeless last year...'
RnB/Hip Hop | Tuesday 16th January 2018 | Gassy
An undisputed Queen of soul in her own right, Mary J Blige has brought us timeless soulful bangers from 'Family Affair', 'Be Without You' and 'Do You Hear What I Hear'. So it is of small surprise that the superstar recently received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last week.
During the ceremony, the Eastcoast songstress revealed that at one time she last year she found herself homeless. We are sure you are probably wondering how a mega-celebrity like Mary J Blige got herself in this situation.
However, in the case of Mary J Blige, it all began when she found herself without a home. A home she built with her ex-husband as they were going through a divorce. Blige had to find a shelter at a friend’s home, for her homelessness was not a matter of cash, nor a matter of having a roof over her head, but one of losing comfort, their love and her own dignity.
Blige went on to say, "When all hell was turning loose in 2016 and I had to file and all of that stuff, I was homeless last year. Jimmy Lovine took me into his Malibu home, him and his beautiful wife Liberty, and I will never forget that."
The nine-time Grammy winner broke down towards the end of her speech and, in her own celebrated style, admitted that she had found her strength in God, who she said gave her “...the strength to keep steppin’ and keep my head up regardless of what anybody thought about me, regardless of what anybody said about me”.
“I see myself clear and it’s not all pretty, but I accept the beautiful mess that I am because it’s an imperfect me, still learning, still growing, still Mary though,” she added emphatically.
Consequently, this shows that homelessness can happen to anyone, even someone who is probably somewhat minted. So this year, make some, or at least a few more homeless people feel valued by doing something unexpected for them, because its beyond true that you very, very rarely at best, really know whose world you could change most profoundly with a simple gesture of kindness.
Check out Mary J Blige's speech below: