
Steven Seagal Banned From Entering The Ukraine

Other | Monday 8th May 2017 | David

It may seem hard to believe these days because of his recent straight to DVD career, but Steven Seagal was once a hugely bankable Hollywood star, with some of his notable films being Hard to Kill, Out for Justice and Under Siege.

After he was pretty much kicked out of Hollywood, Seagal began spending a lot of time in Russia, where he became buddy-buddy with President Vladimir Putin. Seagal has also openly supported many of Putin's more controversial political moves, including the annexation of Crimea.

This did not sit well with the people of Ukraine, who have now banned Seagal from entering the country. In a letter published to the news site Apostrophe, Ukrainian security service confirmed that Seagal has been barred for five years because of committing socially dangerous actions that contradict the interests of maintaining Ukraine’s security.

The relationship between Russia and The Ukraine has always been uneasy, and with fears growing that Putin may try to invade the smaller nation like he did with Crimea, these are indeed worrying times.