Cult Mountain 2 - Milkavelli X Trellion X Lee Scott X Sumgii
RnB/Hip Hop | Friday 1st April 2016 | Phil
For the last quarter century or so, barring hip-hop/rap enthusiasts, the appreciation and love for rave culture emanating from the UK, particularly the garage and drum n bass scenes in large city centres, has solidified into a culture where emcees are most often celebrated for the high speed and control of their delivery. Me? I’m all for it, especially when you’ve got OGs like P-Money and Skibadee aswell as emerging hotshots such as Dabbla and Ocean Wisdom showing people the raw nature of hefty delivery and downright barsmanship.
However, all of that does mean that those who decide to approach from the opposite pole must have all the more style, kahunas and charisma to pull it off and make it work. That’s why when you come across the enigmatic, sleazy, snail-paced joy of the Cult Mountain Brotherhood, it is something to be all the more appreciated.
Much in the same, underused vein as their debut release, Cult Mountain 2 has a markedly spaced out, graveyard-shift retro tempo as provided by the cultured Problem Child / LDZ / Piff Gang producer Sumgii, a tempo that allows the utterly disgraceful, underbelly dwelling trio of Trellion, Milkavelli and Lee Scott the space to fully emphasise and project their dark, misogynistic and thoroughly intoxicated vibes, whether they’re twisted up on bags of blue cheese, liquor & tremadols, or even just cans of sugary fizz pop. These 3 emcees compliment each other seamlessly with their brag raps sw£ggin effortlessly as they deliver their near-parody take on rap, with the slum-glamourous ignorance they display in their rhymes belying both the self-belief they have in their style and the intelligent juxtapositioning of concepts that emerge from their bars. Londoner Milkavelli holds his substance-induced own nicely amidst the barrage of smirk-inducing and disturbing bars from both Sheffield’s most sedated, Bad Taste Records founder Trellion and Blah Records founder Lee Scott, with his limitless Northern swagger.
Listening to this album feels like having a 4am chat with three crackheads in the midst of an acid trip epiphany at the back of a grimey Hackney squat party. If that doesn’t sound like your cuppa tea, put this on rotation for the super-sw£ggin brag raps, to find out Trellion’s character on Goldeneye, and the all-round, late night trippy-ness provided by Sumgii.
The Cult grows stronger.
#616 #dvlgng
'Cult Mountain II' may still be available on Limited Edition Vinyl & Tape Cassette from the link below. https://cultmountain616.bandcamp.com/album/cult-mountain-ii