
The student world fair

Monday 25th February 2013 | Osh

International Universities Head To London For Showcase Event

Thinking about studying abroad but unsure where to go for help to find the right degree in the right country?  The direction you need is heading to London.

The Student World can help you discover the opportunities that lie overseas with a website packed full of information on all you need to consider and events where you can meet international universities face-to-face.

The Student World Fair is the only platform dedicated to showcasing international universities in the UK, giving students the best chance to find out in person about as many options available at as many academic institutions as possible.

The Student World Fair is returning to London with an event being held at the Emirates Stadium on Saturday, March 16, from 9am to 4pm.

Students, parents and teachers will get the chance to meet representatives from world-ranked institutions, new universities and agent representatives to explore the opportunities to study in Europe, Asia, North America and beyond.

International officers will be hand to answer questions and offer advice, and seminars will be held on a range of topics such as employability, quality of teaching and tuition fees.

Jemma Davies, project manager at The Student World, said: “We’re excited to bring The Student World Fair back to London.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity for undergraduates and postgraduates to find out all they need to know about studying abroad to help make an informed decision.”

More and more students are considering studying abroad in light of the rise in tuition fees of up to £9,000 a year at universities in England, which coincided with a record decline of students taking up places in 2012.

Those looking for lower tuition fees will find cheaper, and sometimes free, degrees overseas. And where fees are similar to here in the UK, students can end up getting more for their money.

As well as broadening their horizons, those who have studied abroad say the experience has made them more adaptable and independent, more globally and culturally aware and made them stand out in the crowded jobs market.

It’s a big decision to make and a big step to take, and although it might not be for everyone, the potential benefits make it hard to ignore as an option.

You can now register for free tickets to attend The Student World Fair at the Emirates Stadium, London, on March 16 by visiting where you can also discover lots of facts and figures and get in touch for a chat via email, Facebook and Twitter.