Avril Lavigne Launches Fashion Brand
Other | Wednesday 31st August 2011 | Osh
Designed and created by Avril Lavigne, Abbey Dawn clothing is exactly how you would expect it to be. With t-shirts and tank tops for both men and women, the brand focuses on a punky, edgy style which mirrors the singer’s own personal image.
Clothes range from around £15 to £50 and the line offers everything from swimwear to tank tops to accessories. The brand is featured in Lavigne’s video for her single ‘What The Hell’ as she and her band showcase the garments. Visit www.abbeydawn.com if you are interested in bringing out your inner rebel.
Clothes range from around £15 to £50 and the line offers everything from swimwear to tank tops to accessories. The brand is featured in Lavigne’s video for her single ‘What The Hell’ as she and her band showcase the garments. Visit www.abbeydawn.com if you are interested in bringing out your inner rebel.