
'Tis the season to give a damn'

Other | Sunday 27th November 2016 | Tom

Doctors of the World have removed the traditional image of Christmas by superimposing nativity scenes onto Middle Eastern battlefields, raising awareness for those suffering from conflicts in the region.

The charity have stated that the aim of the cards is to raise awareness during a time of the year where people are at their most relaxed.

Doctors of the World are calling their campaign ‘Tis the season to give a damn’.

Charity Director Leigh Daynes said ‘This Christmas we’re asking people to see the realities that we see of the war torn Middle East, and share some goodwill with a donation to help us give medical aid to people in desperate need.’

A drone strike.

A missile replaces the Star of Bethlehem.

A bombed out house replaces the stable.

The scenes are combined with actual photos taken in Syria by the Press Association. Mike Oughton, the man behind the cards said 'We saw a huge irony in the war-torn imagery of the Middle East today, when compared to the imagery of the nativity, and its message of ‘peace on earth’ and ‘goodwill to all men’.

You can find out more/buy the cards here.