Sankeys to Close
Thursday 18th April 2013 | Cristina
The much loved Manchester dance club is set to close next month after managers revealed they are going to focus their efforts on promoting Sankey’s sister club in Ibiza.
The owner of the club David Vincent has announced that the club will close indefinitely. He said: "I have decided to close Sankeys in Manchester indefinitely this summer as I focus my attention on our third year in Ibiza. I want our Ibiza project to be the best club in the world, just like what we have achieved previously in Manchester, as I get the feeling this could be our summer.
“But I need my production and staff from Manchester to come to Ibiza with me to achieve this goal and therefore both clubs cannot be open at the same time. Who knows when we will be back in Manchester, or if we ever will be back, or what comes next in this great city I love.
“I want this current chapter of the club's history to end with a spectacular party, so we are rounding off the May bank holiday with a huge line-up. It's a 12-hour marathon set from 1 PM to 1 AM on Monday [May] 6th, with a stellar cast of names and the Sankeys Manchester residents, in the spirit of our epic 12-hour Tenaglia sessions."
Sankey’s last event will see a number of renowned DJs taking deck duties - Joris Voorn, tINI, Enzo Siragusa and Darius Syrossian are all confirmed to play alongside local residents Jozef K and Us & Them, and Sankeys Ibiza regular Bones. Two additional guests will also be announced closer to the date.
Cristina Trujillo | @cristinaxt | http://liacasino.blogspot.co.uk/