
Himalayan Viagra

Other | Monday 13th August 2012 | Osh


Viagra, alprostadil, penis pump OR for those of you out there who have an appreciation for a more holistic approach to the rather unfortunate issue that these things treats, I introduce Himalayan Viagra. This little beauty (and when I say little, it’s the length of a matchstick) is created due to a parasitic relationship between the Ghost Moth and a fungus that germinates inside the living organism of the Ghost Moth lava killing and mummifying the insect, from there the fungus grows from the body of the insect. And this ladies and gentlemen is Himalayan Viagra, yum!

This little gem is harvested each year in late spring early summer for about six weeks of the year in which up to 50 thousand Nepalese migrate to the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude between 3,000 and 5,000 m (9,800 and 16,000 ft). Crawling along the tundra Nepalese men women and children painstakingly pick through the grass looking for a small brown protrusion that is the tip of the yartsa gunb. Unfortunately deaths occur during this picking seasons from afflictions like exhaustion, cold and altitude sickness. As a region that relies on food aid to survive the Himalayan Viagra is a major source of income, with each piece being sold for $1 US dollar, the equivalent of a day’s wages in this part of the world.

The worm will later be sold to its major importers Taiwan, China and Singapore where it will be sold on for the further inflated price of $30 US dollars each. It is said to have properties that cure cancer, is hugely invigorating, is an aphrodisiac and assist in erectile dysfunction. All that in one little fungus. With two of China’s Olympic medal winners incorporating the herb into their medal winning diets.

Although a source of income and improved health for those that can afford it. The Himalayan Viagra is also a source of tension in the region. Its harvesting is closely guarded by the local population and with the massive influx of others hoping to make their fortunes there is often squabbling between locals and those migrating to the area for the harvest season. Adding to this is the political interference of the Maoists in the area who enforce heavy taxes, loot collected fungus and swat in the homes of locals. There has also been reports of Maoists official murdering traders.

As a herbal medication with no side effects this fungus may be a better option than Viagra. Who knew that the parasitic invasion of a caterpillar could result in such fuss and that those freaky looking objects sitting dried out and crusty in the jars of the Chinese herbalists could solve the problems of men the world over??!

By Saabeah Aforo-Addo