
Vote Brand in 2015

Other | Friday 4th July 2014 | Rebecca

‘This is the end; this is time to wake up.’

These are some pretty strong words, the kind of words that can bring everyone together to rise up against the rich and powerful and their best friends in the government. But who was it who said this? Well he dresses perfectly, he is incredibly intelligent, he is dangerously funny, he can floor Jon Snow and Jeremy Paxman in an argument and he’s also an ex drug AND sex addict. It’s pretty clear by now that we aren’t talking about David Cameron, Ed Milliband or Boris Johnson. We are talking about the man we think should be the next Prime Minister. The RIght Honourable Russell Brand.

We know that the system is in a pretty bad way and at Guestlist; we honestly believe Russell Brand could be the one who finally sorts it out. The thing about Russell Brand is that he knows he’s a celebrity, he admits that he is richer than most of us, but he also has a brilliant plan on how we can finally change this country for the better.

He’s become quite the political figure in the last year and we salute him for it. There are a number of examples where he has given two fingers to the political world. One of them was the interview with Jeremy Paxman that sparked a flame within British people some of whom started to view him as the future of politics. There’s no denying that our beloved future Prime Minister more than sttod up this wizened political journo's blunt questions about his views on the vote and revolution. Brand explained in simple terms the current system isn’t working, ‘I don’t think it’s working Jeremy, given that the planet is being destroyed, given that there is economic disparity of a huge degree. What are you saying that there’s no alternative, just this system?’ He made us question why the hell the system we live in; where the rich get richer and the poor poorer exists. Why do we continue to support and vote for it?

The thing we love about Brand, he openly admits that he doesn’t know a lot about politics but still manages to spell out what needs to be done. His guidelines for government should be obvious to those in power, but they are not. We shouldn’t destroy the planet, we shouldn’t create massive economic disparity and we should never ignore the needs of the people.



So why shouldn’t we vote? Brand’s ideas are pretty clear on this as well. It doesn’t make a difference and it just reinforces a system that is no longer working. Paxman heavily criticised Brand for not to voting, but why should he vote for a system he doesn’t believe in? We should not feel obliged to choose between three politicians who don’t have any idea what problems real people face.

We want to vote for Brand, or at least someone with the same beliefs. We need someone who actually cares. I would always vote in the guy who said "I'm angry, because for me that's real, this is what I come from, this is what I care about," especially over the guy who makes wishy-washy promises they will never keep.

Brand’s next interview with formidable Jon Snow is next up to bat. The comedian was there to promote a petition that asked MPs to debate drugs policy. Seconds into the interview, however, he is called a hypocrite for telling people not to vote, then encouraging them to sign a petition that is for politicians. Of course, the self-named Messiah shut Jon down in a way only Brand can do,  saying ‘listen you, let me talk.’ I can’t imagine Ed Milliband turning round and saying that to Jon Snow. Brand knows he’s not perfect and it’s so much easier to respect him for that. If Tony Blair had turned around after the Iraq war and said ‘hey, you know what guys, I made a massive mistake here and I’m really sorry. How do you want me to sort it out?’ People might have a bit of respect for him. Let’s face it though; someone like Russell Brand would never have gone into an illegal war.



It’s not just in Britain that Brand’s causing a stir; there have been a number of hilarious interviews in America, where the comedian has tought US presenters a thing or two about manners. The most recent opinion from over the pond and particularly from Fox News is that it would be a good idea to behead Russell Brand. This notion came about when the comedian called out Fox News’ host Jeanine Pirro on her enthusiasm for bombing other nations. Pirro said that the only solution to the jihadist terrorist group ISIS, who are using social media to intimidate enemies was to ‘bomb them’ and ‘keep bombing them and bomb them, and again.’ It’s pretty offensive to suggest bombing a group of people over and over again, no matter who they are. Brand also pointed out that fighting violence with violence is only going to plant the seed for more violence.

Fox News broadcast a conversation where one of the hosts said ‘he should go there and hang out with them, they would behead him.’ Co-host Eric Bolling replied ‘that’s a good idea, I’d vote for that!’, Brand simply tweeted, ‘Me, on Fox News today, even though I’m neither new or a fox.’


Brand on Fox on Guns


So Brand’s recent escapades have alligned him up as a great candidate for our Prime Minister, but why else would we want him to lead us into Brands revolution? These are what we reckon Brand would do if he got into power.


The Media:

Brand is not a fan of how the media works. When we follow Brand into revolution the media will change drastically. The News will be replaced by the ‘Trews.’ Every piece of information you read, watch or listen to will be 100% percent true. There will be no more propaganda. Brand believes that the news should be there to educate you on what is going on in the world, not what the Government thinks you should know. When Edward Snowden leaked information about Governments spying on us and evading our privacy, that was heroic, but the media attempts toforce us to believe that he was in the wrong. Although Brand’s version of a Government wouldn’t spy on us, if it did, we are certain Brand would let us know.

Drug Addiction and rehabilitation:

As an ex drug addict, Brand is the perfect ambassador for a change in our drugs policy in Britain. He is passionate and speaks for those who don’t have a voice. Under the current government, the brutal truth is that people who do drugs are dispensable to politicians.

‘Addiction affects all of us but the poorest pay the biggest price.’- Russell Brand

Addiction is a mental illness, which is why it is idiotic to make anyone who takes drugs a criminal. It is blindingly obvious that prohibition on drugs does not work, if people want to take them, they will. Our political Messiah states the obvious when he says that prohibition only creates an un-regulated, criminally controlled, global mob economy. We can assume then that when Brand gets into power he will de-criminalise the carrying of drugs for personal use. This has worked in Portugal and Switzerland. After they changed their drugs policy there has been less crime and a lower number of drug-related deaths.

Climate Change:

Unlike current ‘leaders’ Brand will take the environment seriously. He doesn’t just pretend to care about the environment; he genuinely loves and wants to protect it. He would control the energy companies to make sure they are economical and he would make sure they understand how much responsibility they have for the earth. The best thing he would do would be to tax those horrible, big, selfish corporations who use our planet to create profit.

The Royal Family:

We can wave goodbye to the biggest benefit thieves in Britain, if we help Brand get into power. Brand says we need to stop giving time and money to a random, out-dated practice and we should stop papers like the Daily Mail preaching that having a monarchy is normal. So let’s vote Brand into power and maybe her majesty will be working in Waitrose.


We are always being told that things are changing for the better, but we are being brain-washed. Russell Brand may not have gone to Eton or Oxford but he knows what the normal person worries about. At Guestlist we believe he is our last chance and saviour if we want genuine change.

So rise up and follow Brand into a new system, a system where everything is fair and equal, where you are rewarded for hard work and not for having a mum and dad who gave you everything. It’s time we all realised that we shouldn't believe everything the media is saying. Start talking to the people around you and realise that we are all the same. It’s sad that people blame each other for the problems in our country. The fact that you lost your job isn’t an immigrant’s fault; your house price hasn’t plummeted because Greece needed a bail out. The people to blame for the state of our country are the politicians. Get angry at David Cameron. Let him know that if Russell Brand were to stand in an election, everybody would turn up to vote, and most of those votes would go to him.

Rebecca Wyman, @whyyyman