ArtHouse Crouch End - Cinema's Salvation.
Other | Monday 13th October 2014 | Ben
With Odeon and Vue cinemas being the Starbucks equivalent of the cinematic world and popping up on every corner you would be forgiven for accepting them as your only option. The perfunctory routine of walking in, buying a ticket, and going straight to the screen is all we’ve come to expect from a cinema. Eating the same suspicious looking hot dog, gulping down the same watered down fizzy drinks. It’s all we know. Well that all changes with ArtHouse cinema. Located in North London’s Crouch End in a former Salvation Army building, ArtHouse feels like cinema’s – well, salvation. When you walk into a major cinema it feels like you could be in any one of its locations across the land – there is nothing personalised about them. ArtHouse is by definition unique. It has the feel of a cosy bar ran by film buffs which just happens to have a cinema at the back. There are no cholesterol busting burritos or Big Ben sized slushees. Instead there are artisan looking sandwiches, a good selection of gin and ice cream that isn’t Ben & Jerry’s. Trailers for upcoming films are projected onto a sidewall whilst soft jazz music plays in the background. Watching a film in of the cinema’s 2 auditoria feels more like an intimate screening. The seats are red and plush with a few pillows available for extra comfort and are deceptively spacious. There is none of that Premium seating nonsense; all seats are equally comfortable.
But it’s not all about films. ArtHouse also hosts comedy nights, has a 90 seat theatre and hosts weekly film quizzes. It is also broadcasting alternative content such as ‘Guardian Live: In Conversation With Russell Brand’. For too long cinematic venues made people feel like they weren’t welcome for a second longer than the duration of the film. Arrive early and be prepared to stand around awkwardly, pretending to be on your phone even though there is no reception. ArtHouse on the other hand wants you to arrive early, have a drink and relax because they understand that that’s how the cinematic experience should really be. So if you ever find yourself wanting something more from your film experience, get on down to ArtHouse. It’s a breath of fresh air!
Check out their website, Facebook and Twitter:
Website: http://www.arthousecrouchend.co.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/arthouseN8