
Preview: Watsky

RnB/Hip Hop | Friday 19th September 2014 | Fiona

So, Eminem’s the fastest rapper worldwide? He’ll have to wrap up warmly because with Watsky there’s competition on the way!

His newest album “All You Can Do” was our best hip hop album of August and we dare to say it’s Watsky’s best until now. He became known for a video he posted on Youtube titled “Pale kid raps fast”, and indeed he is pale, and indeed he is fast! Watsky's also the poet of current hip hop, his impressive lyrics reflect the joyous side of life as well as the melancholic side, in a way that shakes you to the core.

Watsky will be live on stage at Scala next Wednesday, 24th September, and tickets are still available and far from expensive. If you want to see the great hope of the new hip hop scene dropping his lines almost as quick as the grandmaster Eminem himself, you should definitely join us there!