UK Public Looking to Trump Donald
Thursday 10th December 2015 | Sam
On the 8th December, a petition was placed online entitled ‘Block Donald Trump From UK Entry’. After 24 hours, it had raised over 360,000 signatures - clearly the US presidential candidate is not a liked figure among the British public, following his controversial comments regarding Muslims and parts of London being ‘radicalised’.
At the time of writing, the petition has managed to raise more than 438,000 signatures. Let that sink in. The only other petitions with that many signatures are to do with the banning and welcoming of refugees and the destruction of ISIS.
The fact that one man has managed to garner enough hate to have a petition about refusing his entry to the UK rocket to top of the ‘most-signed’ list is testament to how much the people of Britain truly dislike him.
After sending out a Tweet thanking Katie Hopkins for her ‘powerful writing’ about the UK’s Muslim ‘problem’, it has never been more apparent how stupid Trump is.
Citing the writing of one of Britain’s most hated and outrageous people as well as the Daily Mail AND Fox News all suggest that perhaps the people of Britain are correct in petitioning for him to never set foot in our country again.