
3D Printing with YOUR Mind!

Friday 21st June 2013 | Negar

A few weeks ago I wrote a short article on 3D printing and how it has become more and more known to the world, with it’s “latest” innovation, printing weapons! And now, the future for 3D printing is looking bright. We can now use our thought to print three-dimensional objects! Our minds! Our very own muti-functional, amazing organ we call Brain! You’d think every new sci-fi idea has been generated already… So how does it work? Using an emotive EPOC brain-computer handset, brain patterns are detected and then transferred to a computer program, an underlying DNA feature that suggests responses. These are then used in a natural selection process and over a short period of time, the user manifests a three-dimensional model using their mind, generated from a genetic DNA seed. ThinkerThing came up with this project for children in Chile to visit deep into their minds and create the creature the hold in their minds!

Our aim at ThinkerThing is to create the software to interface the latest neuro-technological equipment with the latest in 3D printing machines to literally make objects with the power of thought.”

The science behind the project is just revolutionary and simply cool!

More information about the project visit: Indiegogo Campain

Negar S.